Thursday, January 27, 2011

Polly Dolly 27|Jan|2011

Polly Dolly 27|Jan|2011 

Thursdays Polly Dolly Challenge this week is about Australia Day!
My dolly would be comfortable in shorts & a singlet ( with lots of sunscreen applied! ) and of course our Aussie flip flops. Dolly would have a BBQ out at the lake & having a good water ski with her good mates. Couldn't think of anything more Australian than that =)
Personally I spent my Australia day doing some family photos for some friends in the morning then a BBQ & watched the kids play around in the pool. Pretty relaxing day all round.

If you would like to join in on the Polly Dolly Challenge pop over to Danimezza wonderful blog!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Point & Shoot 24|January|2011

Been a while since I joined in Point & Shoot over at FatMumSlim.
So first one for this year... Is my darlings playing around in the garden sprinklers one hot summer afternoon. They had an absolute ball & are always asking me now to go play outside in the sprinklers! I remember the days when I used to run around the backyard in my bathers with my sisters under the, was sprinklers so much fun, especially to feel so carefree. Glad my babies had so much fun!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


{ what I'd love to be doing right now }

Yep that's me. Slack. Lately I've had no interest in being online or posting blogs or pics to my Facebook. = (
My motivation is non existent. After doing the mummy & house duties I just have no desire to sit at the computer. Oh and to top it off I failed already with the 365 project *nervous laughs*. Ah well I probably should of gone for the 52 project instead. 
I'm actually thinking about deleting this blog. But I like reading the blogs I'm following. So think I'll stick round for a little while longer.

{ image }

Friday, January 7, 2011


Day 6 of 365
Here is a pic of my daughter, quiet grumpy at mummy for taking pics. 


Day 5 of Project 365 { taking a photo a day}
{ ORIGINAL POST FROM 5-01-2011, blog wouldn't let me upload any pics}

Mine tonight is of my son fast asleep after one of the biggest tantrums he has ever thrown. Amazing how they go from being so worked up and crying uncontrollably to being peacefully asleep. I'm still feeling quiet anxious and sick from his episode before. Every parent goes through it, not all like to complain about it because it's not "good parenting" to whinge about your kids. As they get older I find it harder to control his tantrums. Time out, naughty corner, taking away favourite things just don't seem to have the same effect anymore. I feel overwhelmed and just don't know the right thing to do. For now I'm being consistent with the discipline and hope for the best!
It's hard because my boy is over sensitive and things set him off easily. Example- tonight while I had a friend over we were sitting outside talking whilst Jesse played happily on the swing set, he hurt his foot somehow and cried and made a big scene like it was the end of the world, when in fact it was a small scratch, but anything you said to him just made him cry and talk back more. I asked him to settle down and that his foot was ok and will only hurt for a little while and he disagreed and was carrying on. I sent him inside to calm down and he just went ballistic. About 10 minutes of arguing for him to settle down and go to bed ( I swear the neighbours thought I was murdering him from his crying ) I left the room and he cried even more and finally fell asleep after what felt like forever. 
Maybe I "babied" him too much & I've made him into an over sensitive boy, I dunno, but i know i just have to persevere and do the best job I can to parent both the kids.
Anyways, that's my "whinge" done and dusted for the week.. check back tomorrow for what will hopefully be a nice happy snap of the kids =)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Project 365

So I have decided to join in on the Project 365 ( taking a photo everyday for the whole year) Seeing how I take photos daily this shouldn't be a problem, only problem I'll need to extend the photos to other areas, other than my darling kids. Majority yes will be my kids because I am a stay at home mum ( for the time being) and so I'll try make them as interesting as I can. I try be creative but some days my brain is so tired I just cannot for the life of me think of creative ideas. So that's where your ideas might come in hand, what pictures do you find most interesting??

We are into the 5th day of this new year so I will post the previous days pics in this post and I'll make sure I post the rest on time =)

 I will post Day 5's pic tonight. So check back in later =)